
Data.gov Is Coming, but what about DoD?

From this Wired story, comes an obvious, but still novel suggestion: "Barack Obama and his new Chief Information Officer say they want to make government data more accessible and easier to use. But they'll need your help pointing out which datasets we need the most. Enter the Wired How to Open Up Government Data wiki."

I'd like to see the data from Department of Defense research more available to the public. E.g., there are numerous research summaries from SBIR and other funding sources that is ostensibly intended to promote commercialization -- yet this information is largely hidden not only from public view, but even from peer-to-peer contractor view in the DTIC database. Contractors could be required to author publicly visible versions of their work to promote both the self-interested commercialization angle and the civic duty to maximize taxpayer bang for the buck. Unfortunately, less and less has become visible on DTIC as more and more research summaries have been added. (I'm speaking as a worker in a defense contract organization with some level of access, so I'm already seeing much more than the public could see).

You may need special access to play, but a different, related initiative is underway in DoD for DoDTechipedia, as this recent email from a DoD information agency indicated:

JOIN THE BEST MINDS IN TECHNOLOGY ON DODTECHIPEDIA.MIL. Connect with colleagues. Share new ideas. Learn about emerging technical challenges or contribute solutions. The conversation is already under way on https://www.dodtechipedia.mil, the new science and technology wiki for the Department of Defense. With over 5,000 new users and 400 technology pages, all that is missing is your contribution.

Here's a related story about DoDTechipedia.

read more at Wired digg story

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